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Fresh Green Dip

ME food guide

Love to eat? ME too! 

Prefer to be gluten or dairy free or both? ME too!

Want to nourish your body and mind?  ME too!

Want to get together and talk about food? ME too!

Want to start with Smoothies since they are so easy and nourishing and helpful to start any detox and restore program? Okay, good, ME too! 

That's why I designed the Smoothie Time ME food guide course. So we can get together and get super healthy! 

ME food guide is featured on Youtube @ ME LIFE LOVE by Lisa Ralston. 

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ME food guide

gluten free
Omitting gluten from my diet was a life changer. I still love to eat and it got hard when I couldn't have my go-to's before gluten-free days. I've explored, studied, learned to make things not only gluten free, but also healthy and well combined. 

dairy free
Cheese!!! I love cheese. I say love, because I still eat it even though I can't tolerate dairy and have omitted it totally from my diet for at least 15 years.
(So all my body parts have been remade without dairy.)
I make delicious sauces, because that is where it's at. Sometimes those sauces are hot, sometimes cheesy, and that's a bonus! Luckily there are alternatives that can still satisfy that oyee gooey cheesy mouth full feeling you are craving. 

meat free
This is just my personal choice. And because aplha-gal is more than a mindset, it's a red meat allergy. ME food is plant based on purpose. Sustainable, wild, nutrient dense game and fish do occasionally accompany ME food even though primarily all the protein, fats, and vitamins you will need comes from our signature blend of veggies, oils, nuts, and seeds.

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...deepen your practice, address specific health concerns, or simply enjoy a more intimate yoga experience...

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