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MEfood is a way of eating that is right for you and works with Mother Earth too. Some people think it's all about Mindful Eating. We take it a step beyond with techniques and combinations that makes a chef in the kitchen more like a scientist in a lab. So, it's a little sophisticated, but also so very simple.


You are going to love it.


It's plant based on purpose.


It's not a diet, it's an experience. 


ME food was founded to heal systemic illnesses. 


There is a lot one could say about the poor quality of food grown and sold today, the obnoxious amount of toxins and pollution we are exposed to on a regular and continuous basis, the sick-care system, and the general vibe of the world we live on today. It's my mission to focus on the solution.


ME food is inspiration for a satiating, fulfilling, enjoyable experience and also supportive and regenerative nutrition for any age.


Focusing on real foods and using healing food combinations and herbs ME food guide is the  there is no processed food, no dairy, no gluten, no eggs, no mold, no grains, no inflammatory oils, and no crap.  It's kind of serious. But easy and so wonderful. 


It makes detoxing and cleaning up your diet simple.




You can do this! ME food is here to help.​

  •  recover from chronic inflammation and over-reactivity 

  • be smart about intestinal issues

  • navigate food allergies

  • recover health after chronic illness

  • eat more plants

  • properly combine foods for easy digestion, assimilation, and elimination

Definitely get this tutorial while it's still smoothie! Smoothie's and the other things you'll learn in this short yet massively informative exclusive will change the way you eat and definitely change the way you approach a smoothie. Have better luck after soaking up the knowledge and wisdom in the MEfood Smoothie Tutorial. You're going to love it! 


MEfood Desserts that you can Eat! 

Yep, sugar free. No, probably not okay for the first or second level of fasting. But when you are ready to reintroduce foods into your diet, this is the ticket to curbing your sweet teeth. 


Does everyone knows I love Kelp Noodles?

MEfood is all about eating what is right for you. 

Kelp Noodles are on the MEapproved list. Natural iodine, vitamins, minerals, and almost no calories. They are great to blend in to a smoothie, make a salad with, or cook with. Find more MEfood creations and inspirations on MELIFELOVE Mighty Network.

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